Training on Understanding and working with Deserted Women Unaccompanied Women and Sex Workers – Technics and Approach

A training on above mentioned topic  has been organized  on 08th  and 09th November 2022 for Government officials- Grama Sevaka Officers,  Samurthi Officers, HR Officers, Administrative Officers working in Vavuniya  and Vavuniya  North  Divisional Secretariats. Volunteers who are working in these locations are also participated in this Training.

The main objective of this training is to capacitate the Government officers who are working with Deserted Women Unaccompanied Women and Sex Workers to deal with them in a positive way. Altogether 59 participants participated and Ms. Nalini Rathnaraja was the resource person for the training.  This activity is coming  under the project calls “ Let the women Decide the Margin” funded by European Union through Sri Lanka Centre for Development and Facilitation.