Sustainable Livelihood

As a policy it is crucial to ensure community food security prior to embarking on sustainable livelihoods in villages.  According to researches carried out, it has become evident that sustainable livelihoods should not be the current priority.  Accordingly in order to enhance food security, it has become essential to identify the communities’ basic necessities and the target groups, and for verification it has become necessary to have a collaborative in-person discussions between government officials and community members, conduct field visits, and obtain necessary information through individual questionnaire in order to authenticate each family’s situation and the needs of the target group.

FOSDOO guide or facilitate the communities to fulfil their food requirement to some extent, will continue to monitor and take a coordinated approach towards supporting them in ways for them to achieve sustainable livelihoods.

Prior to the communities choosing their livelihoods, they will be encouraged to consider their experience, passion for a particular job/vocation, market opportunities, existing resources, climate patterns.

It is envisaged that training and learning events along with basic facilities for those selected based on family situation, will be provided.  Making market linkages according to requirement, coordination activities, need-based experience related exposure sessions, opportunities for relevant and direct discussions, are some of the main activities of our organization.

Priority is given to those who when undertaking agricultural activities consider climate conditions, and the one who own uplands and have experience in cattle rearing (with ability to provide protection).

It is noteworthy that activities such as purchasing of quality products, need-based insurance protection, guarantee certificate issue, are being monitored by FOSDOO.