Project summary or content
The overall objective of the project is to mobilize, organize and empower the most marginalized groups of women i.e. Female Sex Workers (FSWs) Deserted Women (DW), and Single Women (SW), in selected DS Divisions in Mullaitivu, Vavuniya, Anuradhapura, Puttalam, Kurunegala, Matara, Gampaha and Colombo Districts to realize their socio-economic and political rights, specifically their Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and work towards lessening discriminations against them.
This Action aims to be gender transformative, where power structures and gender discrimination are challenged through the project activities with the goal of providing more power to women. Women will be empowered with information, skills training and confidence from the solidarity and strength of linking to like-minded groups and networks to support them to challenge the causes that underpin current inequalities. In this work empowered CSOs in the Eight districts, with changed mind-sets and developed capacities will support the women in addressing issues of violence, adopting a rights based approach. The action focuses on women’s rights in several aspects, to analysis the implications of the laws and statutes which lead to gender discriminations of female sex workers and reinforces social norms which have led single women and deserted women isolated and left out. Accordingly, total targeted women for each target group have decided and it is decided to work with a total of 1040 women in 42 GN divisions in Vavuniya DS division and 20 GN divisions in Vavuniya North DS divisions in Vavuniya district.
Project objective
To establish proactive and supportive peer group who will challenge cyber violence, community and street violence, and other forms of physical and psychological violence against these marginalized groups of women and stand up for their rights.
Project target groups
- Single Women (SW)– 250
- Deserted Women (DW) -750
- Female Sex Workers (FSW) -20