Facilitating community to attain their Socio- Economic Development by themselves.

Project summary or content

FOSDOO is implementing a project calls “Facilitating communities to attain their Socio- Economic Development by themselves”  with the financial support of Neelam Thiruchchelvam Trust. In this project   FOSDOO is work with 120 vulnerable families in  Puthiyanagar village in Tharanikulam GN division in Vavuniya DS division in Vavuniya District. The project will strengthen CBOs, individuals, and small groups to ensure transparency and accountability and mobilize local resources to benefit the community as a whole. Also, promoting the effective use of agriculture resources and involvement in agriculture and support to expand / upgrade Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, In overall, the project will strengthen civil society and community efforts that aim to make a contribution towards the socio-economic empowerment of vulnerable communities.

Project objectives

  • To strengthen the Community Based Organizations to effectively utilize the resources and services available in the region for village development.
  • To empower the community with transparency and accountability by strengthening CBOs. Individuals and small groups.
  • To support the most vulnerable families to improve economic conditions by promoting the effective use of agriculture resources and involvement in agriculture.

Project target group

One of the village total family including CBOs at Puthiyanagar. ( CBOs members, farmers, small bisuness )


Neelan Tiruchelvam Trust ( NTT )