02 Days workshop on Co-operative societies approach and creating positive attitude among board members
02 Days workshop on Co-operative societies approach and creating positive attitude among board members was
02 Days workshop on Co-operative societies approach and creating positive attitude among board members was
Project inauguration meeting for the project of “Supporting the most Vulnerable communities to attain their
Capacity building training on improved understanding on SHG approach for staff and identified members was
A kick of discussion with Milk co-operative Societies has been conducted on 03rd October 2023
An “Advocacy Dialogue with Media forums” was conducted in Mullaithivu on 16th of July 2023
An “Advocacy Dialogue with Media forums” was conducted in Padaviya on 07th of July 2023
An Introduction meeting for Self-Helped Groups (SHG) had been conducted on 30.06.2023 for village level
A street drama for making awareness impact of mobile phone usage among the youths was