Resilient and Gender Inclusive Enterprise Systems in Sri Lanka – RIES

Project summary or content

Agriculture is the major livelihoods of people in the targeted region. Benefits and services for paddy and other crop farmers are higher when compared to fruit and vegetable producers including commercial farmers. Key barriers in fruit and vegetable sector are lack of subsidies, provision of seeds and fertilizers on subsidy price or low price, No loan/credit systems, inadequate transport facilities and lack of market information. Mostly, farmers and producers are not aware about latest techniques and improved practices which will support them to increase the production and yield in a proper way. They are less aware about the market linkages,  market price of the product and lacking in negotiation skills also becoming advantage for the middleman. These make the middleman to influence the producer and making huge profit out of it whiles the producer not receiving a reasonable price for the products. Likewise, fruit and vegetable based MSMEs are facing in terms of producing and marketing their yield and value-added products. They do not have proper access to improve their business skills in order to stay competitive in the changing business environment. Also, there is no stable platform like enterprise forum to discuss their problems and barriers and initiate advocacy at divisional, district and provincial level to overcome it.

On other side, problems facing by women entrepreneurs in agriculture based sector is twice while comparing to issues facing by men. Responsibility of care work and household work, control by family, fear of violence, and general socio-cultural barriers are key barriers for women economic empowerment. In some cases, women supports the men in agriculture and agriculture based work or in MSMEs activity, but mostly it does not consider as her contribution to the household income. Instead, it also considered like one her domestic chores. Likewise, some of vulnerable women, who much concerned about the financial vulnerability of her family, work hard to earn for her family. In that case, women sacrifice her leisure time to manage the household chores and paid work outside her house. The family members, especially male members have less recognition for those sacrifice and efforts, instead they been ill-treated and dominated at family level.

Based on these context, FOSDOO has developed this project to reach the below specific objectives to increase the number, income, profitability and resilience of MSMEs, with a focus on women led MSMEs in the targeted value chains.

Project objectives

  • To introduce latest technologies for targeted farmers to produce in line with existing market opportunities and to promote organic cultivation among the famers to improve human health by minimizing risk to diseases.
  • To enhance understanding of women economic empowerment among the communities and Government stakeholders to create space for women to actively contribute for economic growth in the target areas.
  • To facilitate the farmers to establish a platform to improve market linkages to cater for national and international markets.
  • To advocate for encounter marketing barriers through developing linkages between farmers and relevant duty bearers and facilitating experience sharing sessions.

Project target group

Farmers (Men & Women)
